In recent years, the contact centre has transitioned from being a burdensome cost centre, evolving into a highly desirable profit centre that no company can be without. However, the traditional con...
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Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) technologies are expected to permeate day-to-day business as well as customer activity. Industries such as healthcare (ad...
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Organizations across industries continue down the digital transformation path. ESG research shows that while 19% of organizations view themselves as having already implemented and optimized several...
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Was erfahren Sie in diesem InfoBrief? Teil 1 KONTEXT Sicherheitsverantwortliche stehen unter dem Druck, Lösungen über die Bereitstellung von Technologien und die Abwehr von Bedrohungen hinaus ...
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Key performance indicators (KPIs) may have many different names (objectives, metrics, targets or personal goals) and they can be either a framework to customer service success or a ball and chain w...
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This is an unsettling and challenging time for us all. There is a global sense of uncertainty and fear about how and when to take our collective next step forward. Governing bodies, healthcare prof...
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If you’re in business to win, you need to compete and win the Customer Experience battle. Even back in 2017, Gartner’s survey of CX leaders showed that 81 per cent of them believed they would be co...
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Data is an organization’s most valuable asset, regardless of size or industry. To fully unlock the potential of data, organizations must pay attention to where data resides as well as how it is man...
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Ein intelligentes und agiles digitales Unternehmen benötigt eine IT-Landschaft, in der Front- und Backoffice miteinander verbunden sind. Anders ausgedrückt: Der Kundenkontakt hängt von den häufig u...
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In the data-driven age, information is as valuable as currency. Entire industries are being disrupted by new data sources, emerging technologies and tech-native startups. Harnessing more data from ...
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