Klient: NICE Ltd
Format: E-Paper
Größe: 18,4 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 29.06.2022

THE ULTIMATE CX AGENT GUIDE: How to be the ‘employer of choice’ and not an internet meme

Customers embraced technology to manage all aspects of daily life and set off a digital disruption that forever changed how businesses interact with them. To meet new customer expectations, businesses adopted hybrid models that emphasise connecting with customers in digital channels and face-to-face. Not only do customers want you to be as digitally fluent as they are–they expect more personal service, too.

According to Salesforce, as disruptive companies leverage breakthroughs in cloud, mobile, social, and artificial intelligence technology to deliver personalised, valuable, and immediate experiences, customers have more choices than ever. As a result, they grow to expect this superior experience from any business they engage with.

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Datum: 1.8.2018


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  • NICE Ltd
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