Klient: VMware UK Limited
Format: Whitepaper
Größe: 136 KB
Sprache: Englisch
Datum: 14.05.2020

Deploying SQL Server on vSAN™ For Dummies

If you’re like most, Microsoft SQL Server plays a vital role in your organization.SQL Server is your hub of data and it requires high performing and flexible storage solutions that can scale as your data needs grow. However, this can be costly. Add to this, time spent on routine maintenance processes, complex management of three-tier infrastructure and you get a time consuming and expensive solution.

So, if you want to deploy SQL Server or upgrade your current SQL Server to the next version, it makes sense to also update your infrastructure. Doing so allows you to evaluate your business as a whole for today, tomorrow, and beyond. And your application capabilities play a large part of that.

A hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is ideal for powering all your business-critical applications, including Microsoft SQL Server. It’s a long-term, scalable solution that puts you in a strong position for whatever technological and customer shifts lie ahead for your organization— including the adoption of a Cloud Foundation platform, that makes adopting a hybrid cloud strategy seamless. From higher performance and lower costs to relieving the burden of manual tasks on your IT team, it simply makes sense.

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Datum: 1.8.2018


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  • VMware UK Limited
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