Gorilla guide: Moving Forward in a Work from Anywhere World
This Guide digs into various important topics relevant to supporting, securing, and succeeding with WFA (Work From Anywhere) scenarios, including:
• Facing and overcoming challenges posed in the WFA (Work From Anywhere) world. It’s important to balance simple, straightforward remote user access and productivity against various drivers toward security, reliability, and robustness.
• Providing users with the remote access tools and plat- forms they need to get their jobs done while delivering a positive experience that fosters innovation and creativity
• Creating a robust, secure, and available edge-to-data centre-to-cloud infrastructure behind the scenes. This infrastructure must support productive digital workspaces, eliminate inefficiencies and downtime, control the unexpected, and support business growth through agile, available, and resilient IT.
• Ultimately, WFA (Work From Anywhere) success means building and maintaining a flexible, innovative, and future-ready infrastructure. This encompasses software-defined networking (SDN), storage and data protection, hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) components for edge and core computing, and cloud resources. All these elements together enable flexible consumption and as-a-Service models for all users, wherever they may be working (even on-premises).