To facilitate sustainable IT and accelerate FinOps, many organizations look to an application resource management tool that optimizes costs and automates resourcing actions. Learn how IBM Turbonomi...
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Executing on strategies for environmental sustainability often includes a mix of approaches. IT has the opportunity to reduce impact immediately through optimization of cloud and data center resour...
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Économies et avantages stratégiques offerts par IBM Turbonomic Application Resource Management.
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Read a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting, "The Total Economic Impact™ Of Turbonomic Application Resource Management for IBM Cloud®".
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Watson Assistant automates inquiries across any channel; understands complex language and uses NLP to continuously learn from interactions; integrates with existing applications, content and data; ...
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Intégrer les RH là où elles comptent. La plupart de ce qui se passe au niveau des ressources humaines se passe en dehors du projet et constitue un monde parallèle qui n'est pas pertinent pour le...
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De nombreuses entreprises de services sont confrontées à d'importants problèmes de productivité et de transparence. Les employés clés ne sont pas en mesure de mener des activités à valeur ajoutée c...
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Service Performance Insight have just released their 2021 edition of the Professional Services Maturity Benchmark. They explore how the industry has performed as it returns to growth following 2...
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Across industries, organizations depend on applications to engage customers, partners, and employees and achieve business goals. Most operate a mix of custom-developed and commercially available ap...
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L'avenir de l'innovation dans les entreprises se construit avec Kubernetes dans le cloud. Cette technologie offre une infinité de possibilités pour transformer nos modes de vie et de travail : des ...
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